Want to Improve Your Customer Experience? Start with Your Company Culture

companycultureCreating a positive customer experience goes beyond one company’s method of customer service. The manifestation of a remarkable customer experience is ingrained in the company’s culture.  Observing the cultures of companies allows you to foresee in some way, how customers are dealt with and the kind of customer service they offer.
Developing your customer service across known platforms such as front line, back office, IT, etcetera, can only take you so far, because if ultimately the company culture is not customer-centric, then sooner or later your company will fall short in
So if you are looking at how you can provide the best experience for your customers, then you should start creating a company culture that focuses on customer satisfaction with these three P’s:


When we say place, it is more than the tangible four walls of your company building. It is the atmosphere where your customer service team works in. It is an environment where senior leadership listens and values their employees, giving them liberty to be creative and be at their best. A workplace where there is unity and cooperation among colleagues and encourages teamwork. Setting a conducive workplace—free, fun and comfortable—also will improve the mood of your employees as they deal with your customers. And trust us, the kind of workplace your employees are exposed to, will reflect the same mood to your customers.


From the CEO down to employees and workers in your office building, everyone must possess the “customer-centric” personality. When hiring applicants, aside from the credentials, you need to look for the customer service character first. The skills can be trained and enhanced, but the attitude of service must be innate in the individual to provide customers with genuine care and pleasant experience. When you have a workforce that lives and breathes “customer first” qualities, the culture will ultimately manifest in every interaction they will have with customers.


The vision and mission, the core values, the goals that your company aims for, speaks so much of your customer focus. Keep customers in mind when making company decisions or evaluating customer service processes and systems. When you foster service-minded principles in your company, towards your employees or encouraging your staff to be socially responsible, this culture will branch out and influence them to be more accommodating to customers. Instill in your company culture the standards that create the best experience for your customers—fast, efficient and satisfying—and you will see it happen day in and day out of your customer relations.
Shaping your company culture that is centered on customers will create an above-and-beyond experience for your customers that will resound and may even become a standard for others to follow.
Image credit: Troyharrison.com
